Tips for Reluctant Travellers
Late last year, several friends confided that they really were reluctant travellers. Whether on a short domestic trip to meet with clients or taking their family on vacation, they admitted the experience had become more and more stressful. They felt disorientated in busy, strange airports, confused which transfer lane to go into and frustrated with signs in languages they didn’t understand! So with our many years of travel with different people, not all enthusiastic, we collected our expertise to offer tips for reluctant travellers.
Some people we chatted with about this topic shared that they love to travel but their partner doesn’t.
As lovers of travel, we perhaps haven’t always been very sensitive to loved ones who have this feeling and don’t always understand why they are not excited and roaring to pack their suitcase once again! So let’s put this right with our wisdom and things that we believe do help.
Table of Contents
Did COVID Create More Reluctant Travellers?
There’s no doubt Covid has made most of us more cautious (if not always reluctant) travellers. Uncertainty can rob our minds of peace and excitement. Memories of having to do day before COVID tests, stress of worrying about being covid positive before a trip, multiple versions of protocols depending on the airline, country, hotel, restaurant etc, wore us all out! It’s easy for bad memories to be triggered by a simple schedule change or flight delay. If that’s you read on for tips for reluctant travellers!
Johnny Rose – a reluctant traveller?
It appears even Hollywood has picked up on the reluctant traveller dilemma. For those of us who loved Schitt’s Creek, actor Eugene Levy, who played Johnny Rose, is apparently also a reluctant traveler. Apple have convinced him to give it a shot and he featured in a new show which aired in 2023. It’s appropriately called The Reluctant Traveller.
Causes and Solutions for Being Reluctant to Travel
A Fear of Flying
We switch on social media and seem to have bad news beamed at us. Things do happen but less often than our imaginations may tell us.
Remember such events are so unlikely. We’ve experienced one or two more because we travel a lot but statistics confirm flying is a very safe means of travel.
If you or a loved one gets nervous, we suggest that you attend a ‘Fear of Flying’ class – airlines offer these around the world. A friend did this in London and said it made a huge difference in reducing her fears.
Read up a bit about things that frighten you. Aircraft are built to withstand being hit by lightning. Advanced technology helps pilots navigate around storms and turbulence. But if it does happen we suggest focus on being mindful and remember the experts are trained for such situations.
If cancellations and unruly fellow passengers have put you off flying, maybe try a rail, boat or car trip instead.
Airport Madness
Airports challenge even the most savvy travelers these days. It seems every time we go to one, its different from before. Parts might be ‘under renovation’ and closed off. Lines for security are not where they were before and choosing which line to get into is like choosing your numbers for the lottery. It’s really confusing. What is TSA Pre? What is Clear? Am I in the right queue? The stern questions of immigration officers can also be stressful.
Apart from giving yourself more time to ‘get it wrong and then get it right’ we would suggest you take a few minutes to look at the airport on line before you leave the house. Knowing how many terminals are in an airport is important when you’re transiting. Understanding how the transit/transfer process works is helpful, so you have a picture in your mind of what to expect.
Arriving at a Hotel That Is a Dump
Regarding worries about hotels, do a little homework. Read reviews and even call the hotel up to ask your questions. It’s absolutely fine to double-check if there is any nearby construction, refurbishment to help manage expectations. If in doubt, find somewhere else. At the same time, don’t over analyze reviews – we do read them but remember they are personal opinions and if the majority are good, ignore the odd negative comment.
Travel Means Disruption to Routines
It’s good to be a bit of a home bird. We spend most of our non working or education time at or near our homes! We like our Monday book clubs, Thursday yoga class and Sunday morning walks for coffee.
Then we pay hard saved money to travel somewhere where we don’t have our predictable routine. We pay to put the dog in kennels or have a neighbour check in on the cat. There’s the alarm checks, even worrying half way to the airport if you’ve locked the door or did you leave the hair straighteners plugged in. Tempers flare and suddenly no-one wants to go on the trip:)
Some argue that the whole point of a trip is a change from routine. But for others, short term change is stressful. So a few ideas and tips for reluctant travellers to try:
- If you love doing yoga (or any sport) find a class where you’re travelling to and go to it. You’ll be with like minded people and doing something you love just in a new place. Fun!
- Take the read for your next Book Club and relax, enjoy reading it by the pool. You’ll be so ready for that first meeting back home.
- If there are dietary restrictions or foods you love, pack a few with you. Then when you feel like a bit of ‘home’ unwrap that Cadbury’s chocolate or Oreo cookie and munch away.
- Have a simple plan for things like looking after pets. Don’t assume someone can take Fido. Plan in advance. Pets will be fine when you’re away so just let them go for their sleep-over!
Fear of Getting Sick When Travelling
Getting sick is miserable. When you’re miles away from home and your own bed, it’s hell! Make sure that all your vaccinations are up to date as a starter!
Travel insurance will reduce worry about ‘what if I get sick’. Whether it’s food poisoning that requires a clinic visit or something more serious, make sure that you buy the right insurance.
Remember to take out that insurance when you book your holiday and not just the day before you fly.
Be careful about eating food that might have potential for illness, but don’t avoid everything.
Have copies of your insurance cards and shot/vaccination records with you so if you need them, and your Blood type, you have everything to hand.
Fear Of Travel Company or Airline Going Bust
Headlines cause us to worry. Every summer there seems to be a travel company who run into problems or an airline that folds. It’s the nature of the competitiveness of the travel industry. Our suggestion is to book with a company that is insured ie. In the UK, ABTA offers protection so if something does happen you’re insured to get a refund or an alternative flight home without hassle.
Lack of Control In Strange Places
Let’s be honest – it can be terribly disorientating and stressful when we can’t control things we do on automatic pilot at home. So how can we reduce these distractions from enjoying travel?
- Give yourself time for delays and getting a bit lost at the airport especially if it’s unfamiliar. It might feel ridiculous to arrive 3 hours early but if you or your travel partners worry, then give yourselves plenty of time. You can always find a spot for a coffee near the gate while you wait to board!
- Don’t check your bag. Pack only essentials and check-in at home for your flight. Then go straight to security. If you can, enroll for Programmes that let you keep your shoes on etc like the USA TSA Pre scheme. See our 10kg allowance post for other helpful tips to pack light.
- Eat at the airport before you fly if that’s more enjoyable. Alternatively, pack your own food and favourite snacks and munch away during the flight. We do that for kids so why not for ourselves too!
- Once on board, plug in your headphones and ignore everyone around you. If you download the airline App before you board there’s a good choice of films and shows to take your mind off your fellow passengers!
- Chat with the receptionist when you arrive at your accommodation, Ask them for help with any questions that are on your mind. Most of them are extremely helpful and go beyond expectations to make your stay a great one.
- Trust your travel partner. If you’re someone who likes to be in charge but is a reluctant traveller, try and stand back and let your travel partner lead the way! Try going with the flow – it’s an adventure.
Fear Of Natural Disasters
You’ve convinced someone or been convinced yourself to head off to Miami for a week of beach and touring the world-famous Everglades National Park. You get a great deal for late September. Then in August a hurricane hits the US and panic sets in. The earthquake in Turkey this month has reminded us all of the tragic impact when mother natures strikes.
Yes, we have hurricanes in Florida every year, earthquakes happen daily, bad storms delay and divert flights. The media coverage means that we all recognize the dangers and destruction of such storms. If this is something that causes stress and worry, then don’t visit regions prone to hurricanes in peak risk periods.
We can’t predict all mother nature’s actions but where we can if it helps a reluctant traveller, eliminate the risk!
Fear of Language Barriers?
Yes, its true. Unless you have some fluency in the language it may feel uncomfortable when you are not understood or you can’t understand. Our first tip is to slow down your mind… if Spanish is your first language, no-one in Jordan is going to expect you to understand Arabic. There may be a shared language (often English) that you can converse in.
Use the Tips in our Don’t Speak the Language Guide to get prepared and lesson your worries. Learn a few words before you go. Try Duolingo or just the back of any decent book like Lonely Planet Guides.
Use technology. It’s not cheating to pull out your phone and use Google translator! It’s so easy these days and everyone has a phone.
How to Make Travel More Exciting for Reluctant Travellers?
“Let’s chat about our next trip!” Maybe one of the more difficult tips for reluctant travellers!
It probably means compromise. Consider trying to agree to a trip every second year somewhere on their bucket list even if it is near to home. We are all motivated by different dreams and so take the time to figure out what really excites your reluctant traveler.
Hopefully they will take heart from the wise words of the late Anthony Bourdain… “travel isn’t always comfortable…. but hopefully you leave something good behind.”
Try Our Tips for Reluctant Travellers
When there is a little bump in the road – travel is part of life, so there will be some, don’t panic. With our tips you can hopefully laugh a little, re-group and keep on going, knowing you’ve got the main bases covered.
If it’s nothing too serious, think about this as just another memory to look back on, tell stories about and laugh over …. eventually!!